Ferrara Roasted Peppers are whole, fire-roasted red bell peppers packed in water with salt. These...
Individually wrapped almond honey nougats with toasted almonds, made from an old-world recipe that uses...
Ferrara Milk Chocolate Bar is a premium, imported Italian chocolate bar with almond pieces that...
Ferrara Red Kidney Beans are a great, healthy addition to a variety of dishes. Red...
Chick Peas are perfect to create your favorite hummus recipe, or as an addition to your...
Ferrara Torrone is a delicious confection, free of artificial colorings and preservatives made from an...
Ferrara Black Beans are a great healthy addition to your favorite soup, salad or chili...
A chocolate version of the traditional nougat candies, made with toasted almonds, honey and egg...
Ferrara Hard Torrone is a delicious hard honey almond nougat, made with only the finest...
Ferrara Torrone is a delicious confection, free of artificial colorings and preservatives made from an...
Great for salads and everyday use, Ferrara Balsamic Vinegar has a traditional, tart taste with...