Indulge in an 18-piece box of La Florentine Torrone, the classic Italian nougat! This assortment...
La Florentine Panforte is a traditional Italian dessert similar to a fruitcake, best enjoyed in...
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A soft, chewy nougat candy made with almond and pistachios.
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La Florentine Soft Torrone Bar with Pistachios is a soft nougat made with honey, sugar...
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La Florentine Soft Torrone Bar with Almonds is a soft nougat made with honey, sugar,...
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La Florentine Chocolate Covered Torrone Bar with Almonds is a soft nougat made with honey,...
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La Florentine Marrons Glaces are produced in Italy following traditional recipes of Italian pastry cooks....
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La Florentine Almond Bar is made with a traditional, old-world recipe and the finest toasted...