Capelli d’Angelo, meaning "angel’s hair", nests consist of thin, delicate strands of pasta that pair...
Bellino Potato Gnocchi, a product of Italy, is delicate potato gnocchi made with real potato...
Anna Gluten-Free Pasta is an all-natural product of Italy, made with corn flour and rice...
Anna Tricolor Farfalle is the perfect way to add color to your favorite salad or...
Anna Fettuccine Nests are fettucine strands of pasta dried in nests for easier portion control....
Anna Elicoidali, similar to rigatoni, is a medium-sized tube pasta that consists of flat-cut tubes...
Originating in Naples, bucatini are long strands of pasta pierced through the middle. The thickness...
Traditional Lasagne are flat, wide rectangular sheets of pasta with curled edges to catch sauce....
Use Anna Tricolor Fusili to add color to your favorite salad or pasta salad recipe....
Shells are a fun addition to soup or as the base of a wonderful salad....
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Anna Pennine Rigate is a mini version of the traditional Penne Rigate. This authentic pasta...
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Fusilli is a short, twisted pasta that can be topped with any sauce, added to...
Ferrara Perciatelli is a thick, hearty pasta pierced through the center and typically served with...
Paccheri is one of the most popular cuts in Naples. Originating from Campania, Paccheri is...
Everyone’s favorite pasta, Ferrara Spaghetti is the perfect choice for nearly every sauce and casserole....
Anna Organic Whole Wheat Pasta combines pure water and organic 100% whole wheat to create...
One of the most traditional cuts of pasta, rigatoni originated in the Campania region of...
Pappardelle, long flat ribbons of pasta formed into a nest, originated in the Tuscany region...
Ferrara Jumbo Shells are oversized cuts of traditional grooved shells. Jumbo shells are perfect for...
Ferrara Ziti is a medium sized, tubular shaped pasta that works well with robust, meaty...
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Anna Organic Whole Wheat Spaghetti combines pure water and organic 100% whole wheat to create...
Originating in Abruzzo, spaghetti alla chitarra is derived from the Italian word for guitar, the...
Penne Rigate complements virtually every sauce and dish. The slanting short-cut and hollow shape, combined...
Ferrara Fettucine is a flat ribbon shaped pasta that allows the sauce to properly adhere...